Premier Atlanta Moving Company – 770-667-5023

Water & Sewer Line Warranties in Atlanta

Atlanta’s city works has partnered with a home warranty company to help homeowners prepare for any potential water or sewer line damage they may encounter. Since homeowner’s insurance often doesn’t cover these things, many residents are surprised when they are denied coverage or benefits. Because of this, the city has urged homeowners to look into warranty plans to cover these damages.

Considering water and sewer repairs can run anywhere from $2,000 to $4,000, the monthly premiums under $10 a month seem to certainly be worth it. The Atlanta movers want to make sure you are protected! If you live in an area where the water lines are possibly older, you certainly want to look into the offerings on Utility Line Protection to see if you’re a fit. An extra $10 a year versus a lump payment of $2000+ should be motivation enough!

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